代码随想录算法训练营第4天 | 24. 两两交换链表中的节点、19.删除链表的倒数第N个节点、面试题 02.07. 链表相交、142.环形链表II

TFTree 发布于 2022-11-21 499 次阅读

AI 摘要

Excerpt: This article gives the solutions of four related list problems, namely "24. Swap Nodes in Pairs", "19. Remove Nth Node From End of List", "Intersection of Two Linked Lists" and "142. Linked List Cycle II". For problem "24. Swap Nodes in Pairs" and "19. Remove Nth Node From End of List", the author provided his own solutions as well as the standard solutions. For "Intersection of Two Linked Lists" and "142. Linked List Cycle II", only the standard solutions are given. The strategies of the standard solutions include using the virtual head node and the two-pointers technique.

24. 两两交换链表中的节点 - 力扣(LeetCode)



 * Definition for singly-linked list.
 * struct ListNode {
 *     int val;
 *     ListNode *next;
 *     ListNode() : val(0), next(nullptr) {}
 *     ListNode(int x) : val(x), next(nullptr) {}
 *     ListNode(int x, ListNode *next) : val(x), next(next) {}
 * };
class Solution {
    ListNode* swapPairs(ListNode* head) {
        if((head == nullptr) || (head->next == nullptr)) {
            return head;
        ListNode* dummyHead = new ListNode(-1,head);
        ListNode* cur = dummyHead;
        while(cur != nullptr && cur->next != nullptr && cur->next->next != nullptr) {
            ListNode* tmp = cur->next->next;
            cur->next->next = tmp->next;
            tmp->next = cur->next;
            cur->next = tmp;
            cur = cur->next->next;
        return dummyHead->next;



class Solution {
    ListNode* swapPairs(ListNode* head) {
        ListNode* dummyHead = new ListNode(0); // 设置一个虚拟头结点
        dummyHead->next = head; // 将虚拟头结点指向head,这样方面后面做删除操作
        ListNode* cur = dummyHead;
        while(cur->next != nullptr && cur->next->next != nullptr) {
            ListNode* tmp = cur->next; // 记录临时节点
            ListNode* tmp1 = cur->next->next->next; // 记录临时节点

            cur->next = cur->next->next;    // 步骤一
            cur->next->next = tmp;          // 步骤二
            cur->next->next->next = tmp1;   // 步骤三

            cur = cur->next->next; // cur移动两位,准备下一轮交换
        return dummyHead->next;

19. 删除链表的倒数第 N 个结点 - 力扣(LeetCode)



 * Definition for singly-linked list.
 * struct ListNode {
 *     int val;
 *     ListNode *next;
 *     ListNode() : val(0), next(nullptr) {}
 *     ListNode(int x) : val(x), next(nullptr) {}
 *     ListNode(int x, ListNode *next) : val(x), next(next) {}
 * };
class Solution {
    ListNode* removeNthFromEnd(ListNode* head, int n) {
        int cnt = 0;
        ListNode* cur = head;
        ListNode* dummyHead = new ListNode(-1,head);
        while(cur != nullptr) {
            cur = cur->next;
        cnt = cnt - n;
        cur = dummyHead;
        while(cnt--) {
            cur = cur->next;
        cur->next = cur->next->next;
        return dummyHead->next;




class Solution {
    ListNode* removeNthFromEnd(ListNode* head, int n) {
        ListNode* dummyHead = new ListNode(0);
        dummyHead->next = head;
        ListNode* slow = dummyHead;
        ListNode* fast = dummyHead;
        while(n-- && fast != NULL) {
            fast = fast->next;
        fast = fast->next; // fast再提前走一步,因为需要让slow指向删除节点的上一个节点
        while (fast != NULL) {
            fast = fast->next;
            slow = slow->next;
        slow->next = slow->next->next; 

        // ListNode *tmp = slow->next;  C++释放内存的逻辑
        // slow->next = tmp->next;
        // delete nth;

        return dummyHead->next;

面试题 02.07. 链表相交 - 力扣(LeetCode)



 * Definition for singly-linked list.
 * struct ListNode {
 *     int val;
 *     ListNode *next;
 *     ListNode(int x) : val(x), next(NULL) {}
 * };
class Solution {
    ListNode *getIntersectionNode(ListNode *headA, ListNode *headB) {
        ListNode* a = headA;
        ListNode* b = headB;
        int indexa = 0;
        int indexb = 0;
        while(a != NULL) {
            a = a->next;
        while(b != NULL) {
            b = b->next;
        a = headA;
        b = headB;
        if(indexa > indexb) {
            int tmp = indexa - indexb;
            while(tmp--) {
                a = a->next;
        if(indexb > indexa) {
            int tmp = indexb - indexa;
            while(tmp--) {
                b = b->next;
        ListNode* slow = a;
        ListNode* fast1 = a;
        ListNode* fast2 = b;
        int flag = 0;
        while(fast1 != NULL) {
            if((fast1 == fast2)) {
                if(flag == 0) {
                    flag = 1;
                    slow = fast1;
            else {
                flag = 0;
                slow = NULL;
            fast1 = fast1->next;
            fast2 = fast2->next;
        return slow;


class Solution {
    ListNode *getIntersectionNode(ListNode *headA, ListNode *headB) {
        ListNode* curA = headA;
        ListNode* curB = headB;
        int lenA = 0, lenB = 0;
        while (curA != NULL) { // 求链表A的长度
            curA = curA->next;
        while (curB != NULL) { // 求链表B的长度
            curB = curB->next;
        curA = headA;
        curB = headB;
        // 让curA为最长链表的头,lenA为其长度
        if (lenB > lenA) {
            swap (lenA, lenB);
            swap (curA, curB);
        // 求长度差
        int gap = lenA - lenB;
        // 让curA和curB在同一起点上(末尾位置对齐)
        while (gap--) {
            curA = curA->next;
        // 遍历curA 和 curB,遇到相同则直接返回
        while (curA != NULL) {
            if (curA == curB) {
                return curA;
            curA = curA->next;
            curB = curB->next;
        return NULL;

142. 环形链表 II - 力扣(LeetCode)

思路:设置两个指针,快指针用来跑,慢指针用来记录环的入口,如果快指针跑的过程中遇到慢指针,那就说明有环,而且环的入口是慢指针。但是我不知道怎么从无限循环的状态中跑出来,只能设置一个cnt来记录,如果cnt > 1e4,那就说明已经跑完一圈了,那么肯定有环,而且慢指针不是入口,那慢指针就向后挪一位,如此反复就能得到答案了



 * Definition for singly-linked list.
 * struct ListNode {
 *     int val;
 *     ListNode *next;
 *     ListNode(int x) : val(x), next(NULL) {}
 * };
class Solution {
    ListNode *detectCycle(ListNode *head) {
        ListNode* dummyNode = new ListNode(-1,head);
        ListNode* slow = dummyNode;
        ListNode* fast = dummyNode;
        while(slow->next != NULL) {
            fast = slow->next;
            int cnt = 0;
            while(fast != NULL) {
                if(cnt > 1e4){
                if(fast == slow) {
                    return slow;
                else {
                    fast = fast->next;
            slow = slow->next;
        return NULL;



 * Definition for singly-linked list.
 * struct ListNode {
 *     int val;
 *     ListNode *next;
 *     ListNode(int x) : val(x), next(NULL) {}
 * };
class Solution {
    ListNode *detectCycle(ListNode *head) {
        ListNode* fast = head;
        ListNode* slow = head;
        while(fast != NULL && fast->next != NULL) {
            slow = slow->next;
            fast = fast->next->next;
            // 快慢指针相遇,此时从head 和 相遇点,同时查找直至相遇
            if (slow == fast) {
                ListNode* index1 = fast;
                ListNode* index2 = head;
                while (index1 != index2) {
                    index1 = index1->next;
                    index2 = index2->next;
                return index2; // 返回环的入口
        return NULL;